(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Amazon Ads for Romance Books in 2025

Slide deck (PDF) | Tracking Templates (Google Sheets) | Transcription (PDF)

This is a complete class breaking down how to run Amazon Ads for romance books in 2025. Note: while this contains additional romance-specific tips and strategies, the information is universal and applies across genres.

The video has searchable captions, so you can easily find a specific topic / section.

If you want to dive deeper into the Amazon Ads, then check out my 80/20 Amazon Ads course.

(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Amazon Ads (for Romance) covers:

  • The 5 Keys of Tracking + templates
  • Step-by-step over the shoulder ad setup + best practices for what books to advertise / ad settings / bids / naming conventions.
  • The 80/20 Benchmark Method
  • Step-by-step over the shoulder ad analysis + how to tell if your ads are profitable
  • How to test elements of your Amazon page
  • How to optimize and scale your ads

There’s also a straightforward practice + implementation plan so you can start applying the material to your books immediately.

Also: you can upload the slide deck and / or the class transcript to the AI tool of your choice and ask it questions, turning it into a virtual Amazon Ads consultant. Due to the length of the transcript (32,000 words), Claude (claude.ai) will handle this task much better than ChatGPT. You can use the free or paid version of Claude.

If you do this, make sure to tell the AI not to include any information that isn’t in the slide deck or transcript. Otherwise it’s prone to adding in ideas and its own processes that are not actually mentioned in the class material. It still occasionally messes things up, so double-check its answers. Also, don’t ask it do math / analysis; it will give you confident but often wrong calculations.

Caveats aside, this saves a ton of time searching through the video for specific information, allowing you to quickly find specific answers as you’re setting up the ads, analyzing them, and so forth. And it turns the class into an interactive resource that can give you customized answers based on your specific books, questions, and situation.